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この記事はアフィリエイト広告を利用しています。 2022.1.26、ついにPlay to Earn=“ゲームで稼ぐ”で有名な銘柄・DEAPコイン(DEP)が日本上場しました! DEPは、日本の取... -
この記事はアフィリエイト広告を利用しています。 仮想通貨*の取引所の口座開設って難しくない? *正確には、暗号資産 仮想通貨を始める前に、すでにこう思っていません... -
[Axie Infinity] Manager’s Real-Interaction with Scholar-
[chat face="IMG_0182.png" name="Canyou" align="left" border="gray" bg="none" style="maru"]Hello everyone. I'm Canyou, an Axie manager.[/chat] Axie Infinity h... -
[Super Easy! ] A complete Guide how to start JobTribes
What you can learn from this article What is JobTribes?How to earn money in JobTribesHow much you can actually earn with Job TribesHow to start playing JobTr... -
[JobTribes] Recruiting Method, Amulet Status / Skill List
In this article, I will introduce how to do recruitment and a list of amulets of Job Tribes. If you'd like to check a complete list of amulets, please see th... -
[Job Tribes] How to grow an amulet and the number of items required
この記事でわかること How to level up an amuletAbout the items needed to grow an amuletHow to open the upper limit of the levelAmulet training tips 【About tr... -
What is Template Axie? Thorough explanation of Cards, Weaknesses, and Usage!
Axie Infinity has an Axie configured with a specific Ability Card in mass production. Many of these Axies are favorite as they are easy to use, buy and sell ... -
[Axie Infinity] How to Sell the Surplus Axie
When playing Axie Infinity, you may think that you want a strong Axie. But as a result of buying them, "I have more Axies than enough..." [chat face="IMG_018... -
[Axie Infinity] Manager’s Real -Success and Failure Story Summary-
[chat face="IMG_0182.png" name="Canyou" align="left" border="gray" bg="none" style="maru"]Hello everyone. I'm Canyou, the manager of Axie Infinity.[/chat] I'... -
[Axie Infinity] Must-see for Managers! How to check Scholar’s Multi-accounts and Countermeasures
[chat face="IMG_0182.png" name="Canyou" align="left" border="gray" bg="none" style="maru"]Hello everyone. I'm Canyou, the manager of Axie Infinity.[/chat] On...