
What is SLP? Future potential and usage + farming

Small Love Potion (SLP), a token that can be earned by playing Axie Infinity

Along with the explanation of SLP, we will explain the future potential and usage.


What is SLP?

SLP is a token called Small Love Potion (SLP).

You can get it mainly by playing Axie Infinity games.


item name Description
chain ERC
Where to buy Binance, KuCoin, Gate.io, FTX, Gemini, OKEx, Uniswap (V3), SushiSwap, etc.


The price of SLP is currently around 7 yen. There is a good chance that the price will fluctuate depending on the development of the game in the future.

How to get SLP

Get it by playing Axie Infinity

By playing Axie Infinity, you can save 150-SLP a day on average.

It’s tricky, but it’s also dusty …! Please also refer to the following articles for the way to earn efficiently

[Revealing My Achievements] The road to earning 10,000 SLP in Axie Infinity [box02 title="What you can learn from this article"]・ The road to earning 10,000 SLP who has never touched Axie Infinity ・ How long the author play and how...

Buy at the place of purchase

This is the quickest way.

SLP can only be purchased at basic overseas exchanges.

On the other hand, since it is a domestic exchange to deposit Japanese yen cheaply, it is necessary to open an account at these two exchanges.

Coin check is recommended in Japan.➡ Click here to open a Coincheck account

Binance is recommended as an overseas exchange.➡ Click here for how to open a Binance account



How to use SLP

Used for bleeding

SLP is required when bleeding Axie.

The required SLP depends on the Axie to be combined.

Bleed count
Required cost
Multiplying 1 parent 600SLP
Crossing between 2 parents 900SLP
Multiplying 3 parents 1,500 SLP
Multiplying 4 parents 2,400 SLP
Multiplying 5 parents 3,900 SLP
Multiplying 6 parents 6,300 SLP
Crossing 7 parents 10,200SLP

You can check the bleed count on the profile screen where you select a specific Axie from the Axie Marketplace .

Using for farming

Farming means that you can get a specific token at a certain rate by depositing an asset on a specific exchange.

Currently, Axie’s decentralized exchange Katana allows you to farm SLP / WETH tokens. It is a new token called RON that can be farmed.

According to the official explanation, RON is

RON is the native token of the Ronin block.
Eventually, the payment of gas charges and
It’s about protecting the security and decentralization of your network.

And that! Since katana itself just started in November 2021, it is still often a mystery, but it is a token with high expectations in the future!


Steps to make cash from SLP

If you want to cash in quickly, selling SLP to get cash will be faster.

[box05 title=”Steps to make cash”]

  1. Move in-game SLP to Ronin Wallet
  2. Send Ronin Wallet SLP to Binance
  3. Make SLP Japanese Yen for Binance[/box05]

Please refer to this article for details on how to do it.

アクシーインフィニティオリジンのSLPを安く換金する方法~Binance経由編~。 この記事では、Axie Originをプレイすることで手に入れた。 SLPをBinanceを経由して現金化する方法。 を解説しています。 SLPの現金化は、カタナ経由など色々な方法があ...


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