
[Revealing My Achievements] The road to earning 10,000 SLP in Axie Infinity

[Title] 10000SLP

[box02 title=”What you can learn from this article”]・ The road to earning 10,000 SLP who has never touched Axie Infinity
・ How long the author play and how many days did it take?
・ How did the author earn
・ Impressions of playing

Axie Infinity is gaining popularity because we can earn cryptocurrencies (SLP) by playing.

So, I’m always asked to my friends about Axie Infinity when I talk to them.

“How much can you actually earn?”

[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]Therefore, the author who had no knowledge of Axie Infinity will show the way to earn 10,000 SLP.[/chat]

10,000 SLP is equivalent to about $750 at the rate of November 20, 2021.

I hope it will be helpful for those who want to start Axie Infinity from now on.

・The SLP that can be earned by playing Axie Infinity is a virtual currency, and the price have large volatility.
・Depending on when you start, you may not be able to earn as expected.


I drew a graph of the daily acquisition SLP

[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]I drew a graph of the transition until reaching 10,000 SLP, so please have a look.[/chat]


In conclusion, I was able to achieve 10,000 SLP in 51 days after starting the game .

When I hear the number “10,000”, it feels like above the clouds.

But I think the time to achieve 10,000 SLP was unexpectedly short.

[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]Of course, there are many people who have well playing skills than me, so I know it’s not the fastest.[/chat]

How did I earn 10,000 SLP?

Next, I will tell you what I did every day and how much time I spent to earn 10,000 SLP.

The speed of achieving 10,000 SLP will change greatly depending on various conditions, so I would like to inform you of the prerequisites.


  • Initial cost is $860
  • 20 stamina can be used per day (only 3 Axies owned) *
  • Average daily play time is 2 hours
  • I don’t hire a scalar
  • Playing only
    (No profit from buying/selling/bleeding Axie)

* It is possible to increase up to 60 stamina depending on the number of Axies you have.

[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]I’m the type of person who is good at doing things steadily, so Axie Infinity may fits me.[/chat]

The following points are the main things I was practicing and aware of when earning 10,000 SLP.

  • Don’t forget to do Daily Quest every day
  • Level up with ADVENTURE (vs. computer) is the minimum
  • I decided to earn in ARENA (vs. person) main
    → Target win rate is set to 55%

Don’t forget to do Daily Quest every day

We can receive 25 SLP / day if you meet the conditions.

It feels less, but if you continue for 30 days, it will be 750 SLP .

[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]Just doing Daily Quest will bring you closer to 10,000 SLP.[/chat]

The conditions for Daliy Quest are the following three.

  1. Daily check in
    → Just tapping the button
  2. Complete 10 Adventure mode levels
    → Win 10 times in ADVENTURE
  3. Win 5 Arena matchs

Don’t forget to tap the [Claim] button at the end to get 25 SLP !

[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]I said not forget to tap button, but I forgot several times.[/chat]

Level up with ADVENTURE is the minimum


[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]For me, ADVENTURE is just a task for achieving Daily Quest and earning 50 SLP *.[/chat]

* You can get up to 50 SLP a day in ADVENTURE.

There are middle bosses and last bosses in ADVENTURE, and you can get 300 SLP as a bonus if you clear it for the first time.

RuinExperience pointsSLP
* Up to once
134844-7 SLP
154576-10 SLP
185696-14 SLP
205118-19 SLP
216448-19 SLP
( 200 SLP for the first clear)
2244910-20 SLP
30120910-20 SLP
( 300SLP for the first clear)

However, it takes a lot of time to raise the level.

[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]I understand that you want to clear the game completely, but I’m focusing on earning and efficiency.[/chat]

Of course, it is important to enjoy playing the game, so it is up to you to decide how to proceed.

For reference, the author is proceeding as follows.

  • Use your stamina to level up in ADVENTURE for a few days after you start playing
  • Advance to Ruin (15 or 20) who can efficiently earn 50 SLP which is the daily acquisition limit in ADVENTURE
  • From the next day, I consumed all stamina in ARENA, 50 SLP won in ADVENTURE + 10 wins of Daily Quest

[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]After earning 50 SLP in ADVENTURE, I’m only playing Ruin1 to clear 10 wins.[/chat]

I decided to earn in ARENA

Not long ago, it was easier to earn SLP in ADVENTURE than in ARENA, but automated operation programs (called bots) were in fashion.

If you use a bot, you can earn money automatically without human intervention, so many people have come to make money in different way what management team’s intention.

Therefore, they made a change to make it difficult to earn in ADVENTURE.

[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]It was already changed when I started, so I decided to focus on ARENA .[/chat]

Axie Infinity has a mechanism that increases the rate (MMR) and the amount of virtual currency SLP earned when you win with ARENA.

~ 8000
800-9991SLP ~
1,000-1,0993SLP ~
1,100-1,2996SLP ~
1,200-1,4999SLP ~
1,500-1,79912SLP ~
1,800-1,9991S5LP ~
2,000-2,19918SLP ~
2,200 ~21SLP ~

If you can keep the winning percentage of 55% (20 battles, 11 wins) with MMR 2,200 or more, you can get 231 SLP / day in ARENA.

If you add 25SLP of Daily Quest and 50SLP of ADVENTURE to this, total SLP that can achieve is 306 per day.

[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]When I set 55% winning as a goal, it was an unreliable count, but it was fun to become more realistic as the rate gradually increases.[/chat]

For reference, I show you the MMR transition since I started the game!


I was surprised myself “Did I play ARENA so much?”.


In this article, I’ve showed the path and ideas from the first touch of Axie Infinity to earning 10,000 SLP.

In conclusion, I was able to get 10,000 SLP in 51 days from the start .

However, it took a considerable amount of time and effort.

[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]It’s not easy to make money easily![/chat]

When converted to hourly wages,


It will be about the minimum wage of a local part-time job.

[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]But it’s great because anyone can play at home and earn money from the games![/chat]

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【大公開】Axie Infinityで1万SLP稼ぐまでの道のり


[box02 title=”この記事で分かること”]・Axie Infinityを触ったことのなかった筆者が1万SLPを稼ぐまでの道のり

Axie Infinityは遊ぶと仮想通貨(SLP)を稼ぐことができるため、人気を博しています。

なので、友人にAxie Infinityの話をすると必ず聞かれる質問があります。


[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]そこで、知識0だった筆者が1万SLPを稼ぐまでの道のりを大公開します。[/chat]


これからAxie Infinityを始めたいと思っている方の参考になれば幸いです。

Axie Infinityを遊ぶことで獲得できるSLPは仮想通貨であり、価格の上下が激しいです。



[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]いきなりですが、1万SLPに到達するまでの推移をグラフ化してみたので、ご覧ください。[/chat]




[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]もちろん、私より上手な方はたくさんいるので、最速でないことは重々承知しています。[/chat]





  • 初期費用は8.6万円
  • 1日に使えるスタミナは20(保有アクシーは3体のみ)※
  • 1日の平均プレイ時間は2時間
  • スカラーは雇っていない
  • プレーのみに専念


[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]私は物事をコツコツ進めるのが得意なタイプなので、Axie Infinityは向いていたかも知れません。[/chat]


  • Daily Questは毎日忘れずに行う
  • ADVENTURE(対コンピューター)でのレベル上げは最低限
  • ARENA(対人戦)メインで稼ぐことにした

Daily Questは毎日忘れずに行う

Daily Questは条件を達成すれば25SLP/日がもらえます。


[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]Daily Questだけでも1万SLPにグッと近づきます。[/chat]

Daliy Questの条件は以下の3つです。

  1. Daily check in
  2. Complete 10 Adventure mode levels
  3. Win 5 Arena matchs


[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]とか言っていますが、私も始めたての頃に何回か忘れたことがあります(笑)[/chat]



[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]私にとってADVENTUREは、Daily Quest達成と50SLP獲得※のための単なるタスクでしかありません。[/chat]



Ruin 獲得経験値 獲得SLP
1 63 1SLP
2 76
3 143
4 151
5 181 2SLP
6 256
7 329
8 305
9 362
10 383 4SLP
11 440
12 548
13 484 4~7SLP
14 443
15 457 6~10SLP
16 515
17 464
18 569 6~14SLP
19 557
20 511 8~19SLP
21 644 8~19SLP
22 449 10~20SLP
23 618
24 582
25 618
26 797
27 735
28 759
29 800
30 1209 10~20SLP


[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]ゲームは完全クリアしたい気持ちも分かりますが、私は稼ぐことに重点を置いているので、あくまで効率重視で進めました。[/chat]



  • 遊び始めてから数日はスタミナをADVENTUREでのレベル上げに使う
  • ADVENTUREでの日々の獲得上限である50SLPを効率よく稼げるRuin(15や20)まで進める
  • 翌日からスタミナはARENAで全消費し、ADVENTUREで50SLP獲得+Daily Questの10勝をクリア

[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]50SLPを獲得した後はRuin1でサクッと10勝まで持っていきます。[/chat]





[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]私が始めた頃はすでに変更後だったので、ARENAに注力すべきという判断をしました[/chat]

Axie InfinityはARENAで勝つとレート(MMR)が上昇し、仮想通貨SLPの獲得量も増える仕組みです。

レート(MMR) 勝利時獲得SLP
〜800 0
800〜999 1SLP〜
1,000〜1,099 3SLP〜
1,100〜1,299 6SLP〜
1,200〜1,499 9SLP〜
1,500〜1,799 12SLP〜
1,800〜1,999 1S5LP〜
2,000〜2,199 18SLP〜
2,200〜 21SLP〜


これに、Daily Questの25SLPとADVENTUREの50SLPを加えれば、306SLP/日を達成できる計算です。

[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]目標として設定した時点では皮算用でしたが、だんだんレートが上がっていくと現実味を帯びてくるのがまた楽しいです。[/chat]





この記事では、Axie Infinityを初めて触ってから1万SLPを稼ぐまでの道のりと考え方を公開しました。



[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]楽して稼げるなんて話ではありません![/chat]




[chat face=”TJ_normal.png” name=”TJ” align=”left” border=”gray” bg=”none” style=”maru”]ただ、家にいながら誰でもできることや、今まで課金していたゲームから収入を得られると考えると、素晴らしいですよね![/chat]

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