
[Job Tribes] What is a lottery event? Shortcut to big prize!

[Title] jobtribes lottery
What you can learn from this article
  • JobTribes Lottery Event Overview
  • How to increase the winning probability

JobTribes holds many events to entertain users.

In this article, I will explain about the “lottery event”.

It’s exciting just to hear the word “lottery”.

In fact, our P2E Hacks members practiced what written in this article and won a big prize!

Of course, there are many things you can do without paying, so please take a try.

Lottery event overview

In the lottery event, you can get a “lottery ticket” as a drop item when you win each quest during the period.

Lottery tickets are numbered and drawing of lots will be held after the event.

The 1st prize is 100,000 DEAP coin * ( It is about $5,000 at the rate of December 16, 2021).

* The winning amount will be adjusted from 2022.

It’s overwhelmingly better than the real world lottery in point of need no money.

How to increase the winning probability

The only way to increase the odds of winning a lottery is to collect a lot of lottery tickets .

But, there are many cases where you won’t win just because you have a lot of lottery tickets. ..

Anyway, it doesn’t start without collecting lottery tickets.

To collect lottery tickets more, the following methods are effective.

How to collect lottery tickets more
  • Keep playing the lottery quest
    → In some cases, using elixir (stamina recovery item) is not bad choice
  • Put NFTs and special effects amulets in the deck
  • Buy lottery tickets
    → Not recommended

It may be effective to do good deeds on a regular basis.

Keep playing the lottery quest

This is the basic strategy, but it is to focus on the lottery-only quests that can be played only during the event period .

In the lottery-only quests, you can get more lottery tickets than in regular one.

In particular, the first time clear reward for each stage is large, so try to more difficult stage as much as possible.

◯ Difficulty: Normal

First time clear rewards20202020202020202020
Number of Tickets 2344455779

◯ Difficulty: Hard

First time clear rewards50505050505050505050
Number of Tickets 15151520202530303535

◯ Difficulty: Super Hard

First time clear rewards100100100100100100100100100100
Number of Tickets 6960707080100110110120130

* The above table is for the case no NFT is included in the deck, and the number of acquired items are randomly decided.

Even with the same difficulty level, you can get more lottery tickets on the more difficult stage.

Be sure to clear the first stage of each difficulty level (Normal / Hard / SuperHard) as you can use the rental deck with NFT (there are 3 times challenging limit).

Also, you can get more lottery tickets by using Elixir (health recovery item).

But not highly recommended.

The reason I don’t recommend using Elixir is that you should use it in other events (eg material hunting).

Put NFTs and special effects amulets in the deck

If you have enough money to buy NFTs, you can increase the number of lottery tickets you can get by putting them in the deck .

Whatever NFTs can increase ticket bonus.

Also, each time an event is held, a different amulet will be designated as a special effect amulet.

And if these amulets are in the deck, you will get more lottery tickets.

At the lottery event held from December 14th to 17th, 2021, “Lottery Salesperson”, “Reindeer”, “Santa Claus (Red)”, “Santa Claus (Green)” and “Santa Claus (Black)” were special effect amulets.

The “Lottery Salesperson” amulet is designated as a special effect amulet every time, so it’s also good to aim her in recruiting.

By the way, I tried to verify how effective NFT is.

First, if you clear Stage 2 of Normal difficulty using a deck that does not contain any NFTs, it will be like this.

Next, clear the same stage with a deck of 30 common NFTs (5 x 6).

From the above, I was able to get 6 more lottery tickets with 30 common NFTs.

The effect is subtle with Common NFT, but the special effect Legendary has a tremendous effect.
Please try it!

Buy lottery tickets

It is limited to those who have NFT of Rare or higher, but it is also possible to purchase lottery tickets with PALE coin.

You can purchase one lottery ticket with 300 PALE coins (no upper limit).

If you have a lot of PALE coins left, you can use it.

But basically, this method is not recommended.

Especially right after starting game, it is more efficient to spend PALE coin on stamina up.


This time, we have summarized the lottery events that will be held at Job Tribes.

The point is to collect a lot of lottery tickets in order to win a big prize, and there are the following methods.

What you can learn from this article
  • JobTribes Lottery Event Overview
  • How to increase the winning probability

JobTribes holds many events to entertain users.

In this article, I will explain about the “lottery event”.

It’s exciting just to hear the word “lottery”.

In fact, our P2E Hacks members practiced what written in this article and won a big prize!

Of course, there are many things you can do without paying, so please take a try.

Lottery event overview

In the lottery event, you can get a “lottery ticket” as a drop item when you win each quest during the period.

Lottery tickets are numbered and drawing of lots will be held after the event.

The 1st prize is 100,000 DEAP coin * ( It is about $5,000 at the rate of December 16, 2021).

* The winning amount will be adjusted from 2022.

It’s overwhelmingly better than the real world lottery in point of need no money.

How to increase the winning probability

The only way to increase the odds of winning a lottery is to collect a lot of lottery tickets .

But, there are many cases where you won’t win just because you have a lot of lottery tickets. ..

Anyway, it doesn’t start without collecting lottery tickets.

To collect lottery tickets more, the following methods are effective.

How to collect lottery tickets more
  • Keep playing the lottery quest
    → In some cases, using elixir (stamina recovery item) is not bad choice
  • Put NFTs and special effects amulets in the deck
  • Buy lottery tickets
    → Not recommended

It may be effective to do good deeds on a regular basis.

Keep playing the lottery quest

This is the basic strategy, but it is to focus on the lottery-only quests that can be played only during the event period .

In the lottery-only quests, you can get more lottery tickets than in regular one.

In particular, the first time clear reward for each stage is large, so try to more difficult stage as much as possible.

◯ Difficulty: Normal

First time clear rewards20202020202020202020
Number of Tickets 2344455779

◯ Difficulty: Hard

First time clear rewards50505050505050505050
Number of Tickets 15151520202530303535

◯ Difficulty: Super Hard

First time clear rewards100100100100100100100100100100
Number of Tickets 6960707080100110110120130

* The above table is for the case no NFT is included in the deck, and the number of acquired items are randomly decided.

Even with the same difficulty level, you can get more lottery tickets on the more difficult stage.

Be sure to clear the first stage of each difficulty level (Normal / Hard / SuperHard) as you can use the rental deck with NFT (there are 3 times challenging limit).

Also, you can get more lottery tickets by using Elixir (health recovery item).

But not highly recommended.

The reason I don’t recommend using Elixir is that you should use it in other events (eg material hunting).

Put NFTs and special effects amulets in the deck

If you have enough money to buy NFTs, you can increase the number of lottery tickets you can get by putting them in the deck .

Whatever NFTs can increase ticket bonus.

Also, each time an event is held, a different amulet will be designated as a special effect amulet.

And if these amulets are in the deck, you will get more lottery tickets.

At the lottery event held from December 14th to 17th, 2021, “Lottery Salesperson”, “Reindeer”, “Santa Claus (Red)”, “Santa Claus (Green)” and “Santa Claus (Black)” were special effect amulets.

The “Lottery Salesperson” amulet is designated as a special effect amulet every time, so it’s also good to aim her in recruiting.

By the way, I tried to verify how effective NFT is.

First, if you clear Stage 2 of Normal difficulty using a deck that does not contain any NFTs, it will be like this.

Next, clear the same stage with a deck of 30 common NFTs (5 x 6).

From the above, I was able to get 6 more lottery tickets with 30 common NFTs.

The effect is subtle with Common NFT, but the special effect Legendary has a tremendous effect.
Please try it!

Buy lottery tickets

It is limited to those who have NFT of Rare or higher, but it is also possible to purchase lottery tickets with PALE coin.

You can purchase one lottery ticket with 300 PALE coins (no upper limit).

If you have a lot of PALE coins left, you can use it.

But basically, this method is not recommended.

Especially right after starting game, it is more efficient to spend PALE coin on stamina up.


This time, we have summarized the lottery events that will be held at Job Tribes.

The point is to collect a lot of lottery tickets in order to win a big prize, and there are the following methods.

How to collect lottery tickets more
  • Keep playing the lottery quest
    → In some cases, using elixir (stamina recovery item) is not bad choice
  • Put NFTs and special effects amulets in the deck
  • Buy lottery tickets
    → Not recommended
  • URLをコピーしました!


  • JobTribes宝くじイベントの概要
  • 当選確率を上げる方法




実際に私たちP2E Hacksのメンバーは、この記事に書いてあることを実践して高額当選をしました!





1等はなんと、1万DEAP coin※(2022年6月のレートで約2万円)です。







  • 宝くじクエストを中心に周回する
  • デッキにNFTや特効NFTを入れる
  • 宝くじ券を購入する











◯難易度:Super Hard











2021年12月14〜17日に開催された宝くじイベントでは、「宝くじ販売員」「トナカイ」「サンタクロース(レッド)」「サンタクロース(グリーン)」 「サンタクロース(ブラック)」が特効NFTでした。








Rare以上のNFTを保有している方限定となりますが、宝くじ券をPALE coinで購入することも可能です。

300PALE coinで宝くじ券1枚購入することが可能です(上限なし)。

よほどPALE coinが余っているのでしたら使っても良いですが、基本的にこの方法もオススメしません。

特に序盤では、PALE coinはスタミナアップに費やした方が効率的です。




  • 宝くじクエストを中心に周回する
  • デッキにNFTや特効アミュレットを入れる
  • 宝くじ券を購入する



  • URLをコピーしました!